Mary Jane And Frank of Slip-Proof Safety are the best possible client to ever be associated with. They help people live their best lives and truly run their business with the most integrity I have ever seen. When they contacted us their issues were many. They had been kinda duped into a new website that was not working for them and their print and digital was not working. We were given the go to do what needed to be done. We redesigned the site and optimized it for google. We created a new logo and all print and digital graphics. We got them ready for going to trade shows and events. These are the kind of story that you are not only proud of but happy for the client because they make a good difference in the world.
Within 6 months they were busier than ever and within the first year sales had gone up 300%. It really was a matter of synching up their brand and making it easier for them to do business. We are proud to say Slip-Proof Safety made us their sole marketing contributor and made us a lifetime partner.